Using SWxSOC Schema for Metadata Attributes


The SWXSchema class provides an interface to configure how metadata attributes are formatted in SWxSOC affiliated data products. The class represents a schema for metadata attribute requirements, validation, and formatting.

The schema class is used in many parts of the package:

It is important to understand the configuration options of SWXSchema objects in order to attain the desired behavior of metadata attributes.

The SWXSchema class has two main attributes. The class contains a global_attribute_schema member which configures global, or file level, metadata attributes. Second, the class contains a variable_attribute_schema member which configures variable or measurement level metadata attributes. This guide contains two sections <INSERT SECTIONS HERE> detailing the format of each of these class members, how they’re used, and how you can extend or modify them to meet your specific needs.

Each of the global and variable schemas are loaded from YAML (dict-like) files which can be combined to layer multiple schema elements into a single unified schema. This allows extensions and overrides to the default schema, and allows you to create new schema configurations for specific archive file types and specific metadata requirements.

Creating a SWxSOC Schema

Creating a SWXSchema object directly includes passing one or more paths to schema files to layer on top of one another, and optionally whether to use the default base layer schema files. For more information on the default, base layer, schema files please see our CDF Format Guide.

Here is an example of instantiation of a SWXSchema object:

global_layers = ["my_global_layer_1.yaml", "my_global_layer_2.yaml"]
variable_layers = ["my_variable_layer_1.yaml", "my_variable_layer_2.yaml"]
my_schema = SWXSchema(

This will create a new schema object from scratch, without using the default CDF schema, and will overlay the layer_2 files over the layer_1 files. If there are no conflicts within the schema files, then their attributes will be merged, to create a superset of the two files. If there are conflicts in the combination of schema layers, this is resolved in a latest-priority ordering. That is, if the are conflicts or duplicate keys in layer_1 that also appear in layer_2, then the second layer will overwrite the values from the first layer in the resulting schema.

For an example of how to extend the SWXSchema class please see the code documentation for our affiliated HERMES mission schema HermesDataSchema.

Global Attribute Schemas

Global metadata attribute schemas are used to define requirements, formatting, and derivations at the global or file level. The global attribute schema is configured through YAML files, with the default configuration in swxsoc/data/swxsoc_default_global_cdf_attrs_schema.yaml

The YAML file represents a dictionary of attribute information, keyed by the metadata attribute name. Information on the file format can be seen below:

    description: <string>
    default: <string>
    derived: <bool>
    derivation_fn: <string>
    required: <bool>
    validate: <bool>
    overwrite: <bool>
    description: <string> ...

Each of the keys for global metadata requirements are defined in the table below.

Global Attribute Schema

Schema Key


Data Type

Is Required?


the name of the global metadata attribute as it should appear in your data products




a description for the global metadata attribute and context needed to understand its values




a default value for the attribute if needed/desired

str or null



whether or not the attribute’s value can be derived using a python function




the name of a Python function to derive the value. Must be a function member of the schema class and match the signature below.


required only of derived=True


whether the global attribute is required in your data products




whether the attribute should be validated in your data products by the SWXDataValidator module




whether an existing value for the attribute should be overwritten if a different value is derived.



For more information on the default CDF schema, conforming to ISTP standards, please see the CDF Format Guide.

Global Attribute Derivation

Global attributes can be derived by:

  • Setting the derived: true keyword in the global attribute schema file

  • Setting the derivation_fn: _my_derivation_fn keyword in the global attribute schema file

  • Writing a python function my_derivation_fn in a sub-class of the SWXSchema class

Global attributes are derived in the SWXSchema class in the following way. The code provided here is just pseudocode, and not the actual function code. For the actual code please see the derive_global_attributes() function documentation.

for attr_name, attr_schema in self.global_attribute_schema:
    derivation_fn = getattr(self, attr_schema["derivation_fn"])
    global_attributes[attr_name] = derivation_fn(my_data_container)

where my_data_container is an instance of a SWXData object or an extended class object.

The derivation functions, which must me a class function of a SWXSchema class, must follow the following signature:

def _my_derivation_fn(self, my_data_container: SWXData):
    # ... do manipulations as needed from `data`
    return "attribute_value"

These functions must take in a single parameter, an instance of a SWXData object or an extended class object. These functions must return a single Python primitive type (str, int, float) or Time object representing the value for the given attribute.

Variable Attribute Schemas

Variable metadata attribute schemas are used to define requirements, formatting, and derivations at the variable or measurement level. The variable attribute schema is configured through YAML files, with the default configuration in file swxsoc/data/swxsoc_default_variable_cdf_attrs_schema.yaml.

The variable attribute schema YAML file has two main parts.

  • The first part is the attribute_key, which is a dictionary of attribute information, keyed by the metadata attribute name. This part of the schema is formatted similarly to the global schema above.

  • The second part is an index of what metadata attributes are required for different variable types. This defines what attributes are required for data variable types compared to support_data and metadata variable types. Additional indexes are used for unique epoch (time-specific) and spectra (uniquely multi-dimensional) variable types.

An example of a valid file format can be seen below.

        description: <string>
        derived: <bool>
        derivation_fn: <string>
        iterable: <bool>
        required: <bool>
        valid_values: <bool>
        overwrite: <bool>
        alternate: <string>
        description: <string> ...
        description: <string> ...
        description: <string> ...
  - attribute_name_1
  - attribute_name_2
  - attribute_name_2
  - attribute_name_3
  - time_attribute
  - spectra_attribute_i

Each of the keys for variable metadata requirements are defined in the table below.

Variable Attribute Schema

Schema Key


Data Type

Is Required?


the name of the variable metadata attribute as it should appear in your data products




a description for the variable metadata attribute and context needed to understand its values




whether or not the attribute’s value can be derived using a python function




the name of a Python function to derive the value. Must be a function member of the schema class and match the signature below.


required only of derived=True


whether the attribute should be derived multiple times for different axes of the measurement or spectra. For example the CNAMEi attribute, used for WCS coordinate transformations is iterable since its value can be derived for each WCS axis of the measurement.


required only if derived=True AND attribute takes multiple values for different dimensions


whether the variable attribute is required in your data products




whether an existing value for the attribute should be overwritten if a different value is derived.




values that the attribute should be checked against by the SWXDataValidator module

list[str] or null



the potential name of a different attribute should be considered in replacement of the given attribute. For example, only one of LABLAXIS or LABL_PTR_i are required in ISTP guidelines and are treated as alternates here.

str or null


For more information on the default CDF schema, conforming to ISTP standards, please see the CDF Format Guide.

Variable Attribute Derivation

Variable attributes can be derived by:

  • Setting the derived: true keyword in the variable attribute schema file

  • Setting the derivation_fn: _my_derivation_fn keyword in the variable attribute schema file

  • Writing a python function my_derivation_fn in a sub-class of the SWXSchema class

Variable attributes are derived in the SWXSchema class in the following way. The code provided here is just pseudocode, and not the actual function code. For the actual code please see the derive_measurement_attributes() function documentation.

derived_attributes = [] # collect derived attributes based on Index, whether the variable is an Epoch variable, and whether it is a Spectra variable
for attr_name, attr_schema in derived attributes:
    if attr_schema["iterable"]:
        num_dimensions = self.get_num_dimensions(variable_data)
        for dimension_i in num_dimensions:
            derivation_fn = getattr(self, attr_schema["derivation_fn"])
            variable_attributes[dimension_attr_name] = derivation_fn(
                variable_name, variable_data, cdf_data_type, dimension_i
        derivation_fn = getattr(self, attr_schema["derivation_fn"])
        variable_attributes[attr_name] = derivation_fn(
            variable_name, variable_data, cdf_data_type

The signature for functions to derive variable attributes depends on whether the attribute is iterable. However, they all share the three common parameters below/ The function takes in parameters var_name, var_data, and guess_type, where:

  • var_name is the variable name of the variable for which the attribute is being derived

  • var_data is the variable data of the variable for which the attribute is being derived

  • guess_type is the guessed CDF variable type of the data for which the attribute is being derived.

Derivation functions for iterable attributes take an extra parameter dimension_i which the 0-based index for which dimension to derive the attribute for.

“Standard” Variable Attribute Derivations

The derivation functions single-dimensional attriubtes, which must me a class function of a SWXSchema class, must follow the following signature:

def _my_derivation_fn(self, var_name: str, var_data: Union[Quantity, NDData, NDCube], guess_type: ctypes.c_long):
    # ... do manipulations as needed from data
    return "attribute_value"

These functions must return a single Python primitive type (str, int, float) or Time object representing the value for the given attribute.

Time/Epoch-Specific Variable Attribute Derivations

The derivation functions for time-specific attributes follow the same requirements as “standard” attributes. Additionally time-specific attributes must by listed in the epoch index of the variable attribute schema file. The derivation functions follow the same signature as “standard” derivation fucntions:

def _my_derivation_fn(self, var_name: str, var_data: Union[Quantity, NDData, NDCube], guess_type: ctypes.c_long):
    # ... do manipulations as needed from data
    return "attribute_value"

These functions must return a single Python primitive type (str, int, float) or Time object representing the value for the given attribute.

Spectra-Specific Variable Attribute Derivations

The derivation functions for spectra-specific attributes, or attributes that can take multiple values for different dimensions of the variable, follow a similar signature as “standard” attributes. Additionally spectra-specific attributes must be listed in the spectra index of the variable attribute schema file. The derivation functions have an added dimension_i parameter which is a 0-based index of the dimension to derive the attribute for.

def _my_derivation_fn(self, var_name: str, var_data: Union[NDData, NDCube], guess_type: ctypes.c_long, dimension_i: int):
    # ... do manipulations as needed from data
    return "attribute_value"

These functions must return a single Python primitive type (str, int, float) or Time object representing the value for the given attribute.